We were asked to brand the Amoke Foundation, a charity helping to find treatments for people with sickle cell disease in Sub-saharan Africa. It needed to be distinctive, modern and feel African.


Working with the founders, we researched textiles and patterns from Africa which we incorporated into a fresh, clean simple colour palette of yellow and black. The O of Amoke shows the distinctive crescent shape of the affected blood cells unique to the disease. Other brand elements with the logo create a family of branded elements across all the charity's communications.

Amoke Foundation approached half a dozen design studios at the inception of the charity (…). Designed By Good People was chosen for the professional approach and design ethos applied to the creative process. The Amoke brand created was memorable and distinctive (…). The health aspect and the African feel were captured in a clever and subtle manner. Very well done guys!!"

Jide - Amoke Foundation